
Duncan, A. A. M., The kingship of the Scots, 842–1292: succession and independence, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2002.

  • Book/Monograph
Citation details
The kingship of the Scots, 842–1292: succession and independence
Edinburgh University Press
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Other editions or printings
Duncan, A. A. M., The kingship of the Scots, 842–1292: succession and independence, 2nd ed., Edinburgh Classic Editions, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016.  
New edition with introduction by Dauvit Broun.

First published in 2002, and here introduced by Dauvit Broun as a core text in Scottish medieval history, this classic work is considered one of the most invaluable critiques of kingship in Scotland during the nation's foundations. In the early years of the period a custom of succession within one royal lineage allowed the Gaelic kingdom to grow in authority and extent. The Norman Conquest of England altered the balance of power between the north and south, and the relationship between the two kingdoms, which had never been easy, became unstable. When Scotland became kingless in 1286, Edward I exploited the succession debate between Balliol and Bruce and set claim to overlordship of Scotland until Bruce's coronation fixed the right of succession by law for Scottish kingship. In a meticulous account of this period, Professor Duncan disentangles the power struggles during the 'Great Cause' between the Balliols and the Bruces, and of the actions, motives and decisive interventions of Edward I.

Subjects and topics
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
August 2021