
Lewin, Christopher, “The syntax of the verbal noun in Manx Gaelic”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016): 147–238.

  • journal article
Citation details
“The syntax of the verbal noun in Manx Gaelic”
Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016)
Rodway, Simon (ed.), Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016).
Abstract (cited)
While accounts of the syntax of the element usually called the 'verbal noun' are available for different periods of Irish and Scottish Gaelic, as well as the Brythonic languages, the details of verbal noun constructions in Manx have never been fully described. Thomson (1952: 285–9) deals cursorily with the topic, and touches on various aspects in his grammar of Early Manx (Thomson 1953: 51–4, 62–9), in two lectures (Thomson 1969, 1986) and in commentaries on Manx texts (Thomson 1981, 1998). The matter is also discussed briefly by Broderick (2010: 345–6). Many of their ideas and suggestions will be explored in depth here. This paper focuses particularly on the way pronominal objects of verbal nouns are expressed (whether by means of a possessive proclitic or as an object personal pronoun), and how this is related to the changing analysis of the verbal noun in Manx (and to varying extents the other Celtic languages), from a noun to a non-finite verb. The shift is examined in terms of reanalysis and grammaticalization, with particular reference to the common cross-linguistic phenomenon of the development of verbal nouns into infinitives and other non-finite verbal elements.
Subjects and topics
Manx Gaelic
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2017, last updated: April 2018