f. 97vb.1–f. 98vb
“The story of Tuan mac Cairill by Finnian of Mag Bile”
f. 98vb.1–f. 98vb.20
[Tuán mac Cairill ro clos] Incipit: ‘Tuan mac Cairill roclas’
Poem (7 stanzas) about Tuan mac Cairill. For the first seven lines (of the left column), this column is empty.
f. 98vb.21–f. 98vb.23
[Dia ro-rannta cóicid Érenn] Incipit: ‘Dia rorannta Erenn
Quatrain, beginning Dia rorannta cóicid Erenn.
f. 98vb.24–f. 98vb.32
[Atberim frib lith saine] Incipit: ‘Atberim frib lith ngaili’
Four quatrains about Beltaine, Lugnasad, Samain and Imbolc
f. 99r–f. 100v
Episodes from the Irish Alexander saga.
f. 100v
Story of Ness daughter of Eochaid Sálbuide
f. 100v
Out of place scribal note to Lebor gabála Érenn
scribal addition x