
Kortlandt, Frederik, “Old Irish feda, gen. fedot 'Lord' and the 1st sg. absolute ending -a in subjunctives and futures”, Études Celtiques 36 (2008): 115–118.

  • journal article
Citation details
“Old Irish feda, gen. fedot 'Lord' and the 1st sg. absolute ending -a in subjunctives and futures”
Études Celtiques 36 (2008)
Études Celtiques 36 (2008).
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 36, 2008: <link>
Abstract (cited)
[FR] Patrick Sims-Williams a défendu l’idée, correcte je crois, (Festschrift Meid, 1999), que le vieil-irlandais nominatif feda, gén. fedot «Seigneur » , dans l’homélie de Cambrai, représente un état ancien des formes qui seront plus tard fíado, fíadat. Cela permet de simplifier ma présentation de l’histoire phonologique du vieil-irlandais (Ériu XXX, 1979), comme celle de sa morphologie (Ériu XXXV, 1984).

[EN] Patrick Sims-Williams has argued (Fs. Meid, 1999), to my mind correctly, that the Old Irish forms nom. feda, gen. fedot ‘ Lord’ in the Cambrai Homily represent an older stage of the later forms fíado, fíadat. This simplifies my account of Old Irish historical phonology (Ériu 30, 1979) and morphology (Ériu 35, 1984).
Related publications
Other editions or printings
Kortlandt, Frederik, Italo-Celtic origins and prehistoric development of the Irish language, Leiden Studies in Indo-European, 14, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007.  
This volume offers a discussion of the phonological and morphological development of Old Irish and its Indo-European origins. The emphasis is on the relative chronology of sound changes and on the development of the verbal system. Special attention is devoted to the origin of absolute and relative verb forms, to the rise of the mutations, to the role of thematic and athematic inflexion types in the formation of present classes, preterit[e]s, subjunctives and futures, and to the development of deponents and passive forms. Other topics include infixed and suffixed pronouns, palatalization of consonants and labialization of vowels, and the role of Continental Celtic in the reconstruction of Proto-Celtic. The final chapter provides a detailed analysis of the Latin and other Italic data which are essential to a reconstruction of Proto-Italo-Celtic. The appendix contains a full reconstruction of the Old Irish verbal paradigms, which renders the subject more easily accessible to a wider audience. The book is of interest to Celticists, Latinists, Indo-Europeanists and other historical linguists.
(source: Publisher)
Subjects and topics
Old Irish
Dennis Groenewegen, Pierre Faure
Page created
August 2011, last updated: April 2020