The Dagda

See also: Bodb DergBodb Derg
In Acallam na senórach, a son of the Dagda.
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Óengus mac ind ÓcÓengus mac ind Óc
Aengus mac ind Óc, Mac Óc, Mac ind Óc
(time-frame ass. with Túatha Dé Danann)
Óengus (Aengus) mac (ind) Óc; Mac Óc: mythological figure in medieval Irish literature, one of the Túatha Dé Danann; associated with youth and love; identified in some narratives as a son of the Dagda and Bóann.
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See also references for related subjects.
Raydon, Valéry, and Claude Sterckx, “Saint Goëznou et la fourche du Dagda”, in: André-Yves Bourgès, and Valéry Raydon (eds), Hagiographie bretonne et mythologie celtique, 4, Marseille: Éditions du Cénacle de France - Terre de Promesse, 2016. 69–159.