
(a) ff. 75B-100

References will be made to the relevant volumes of Macalister's edition of LGÉ, Ó Cuiv's catalogue desciption and R. Mark Scowcroft, ‘Leabhar Gabhála. Part I: the growth of the text’, Ériu 38 (1987).
Work in progress
f. 75Br–f. 90vb.13
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] Incipit: ‘...Ro taisbenta na duile corpda do Adam [f. 75Bv]’
A version of the so-called B-recension of Lebor gabála Érenn. Some leaves are wanting and one leaf is out of place. Ó Cuív's reconstructed order of folia using the old foliation, with the present one between brackets, is as follows: 1 (75B), 2 (missing), 3 (76B), 4 (77), 5 (78), 6 (79), 7 (missing, conjugate with 2), 8 (76A), 9 (80), 10 (81), 11 (82), 12-13 (missing), 14 (83) and 15-21 (84-90). As f. 75Br has become illegible, the first words one can still make out are on the verso: Ro taisbenta na duile corpda do Adam [...].
f. 76Ara.1–f. 76Ara.i
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘[A coic Sengaind] co torchair la Fiacha mac Zair’
Acephalous and out of place (see note above). Tract on the Fir Bolg, Fir Domnain and Gáiléoin, beg. halfway Macalister, vol. 4, § 288.
f. 76Ara.i–f. 76Arb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Fir Bolc tra ro tamnait isin cath sin inge mad bec [...]’
Tract on the migrations of the Fir Bolg after the battle at Mag Tuired. Macalister, vol. 4, §§ 291-293.
f. 76Arb–f. 76Ava
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Comaimserad rig an domain innso fri rigaib Fear mBolc’
Synchronisms of the taking of Ireland by the Fir Bolg. Macalister, vol. 4, §§ 301-302.
f. 76Ava
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Do gabail Tuaithe D. D. annso’
Macalister, vol. 4, § 320 ff. The text continues on f. 80.
f. 76Bra.1–f. 76Bra.12
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘[Ceithre cath coicat] ro ráinset rempo fri Freseno’
Final portion of the tract on the wanderings of the Goídil, corresponding to Macalister vol. 2, §§ 132-133. Incl., on lines 10-12, the first quatrain of the poem beg. Doluid Milid isin Scithia.
f. 76Bra.13–f. 76Bra.31
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Scuirem do scelaib na nGoidel’
Macalister, vol. 2, §§ 172-173. Incl. first line of poem beg. Capa is Laigne is Luasat grind.
f. 76Bra.31–f. 77ra.20
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Do gabail Cesrach annso sis’
Tract on the settlement of Cesair. Macalister, vol. 2, § 174ff.
f. 77ra.21–f. 78va.i
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Do gabail Partoloin ann so’
f. 78va.i–f. 79rb.3
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘O ro innisimar tra do Cesair ⁊ do Partholoin co lleir [...]’
Tract on the taking of Ireland by Nemed. It begins with an introductory passage (ff. 78va.i-vb.3; Macalister, vol. 3, §246), followed by the heading Gabail Nemid sisana (f. 78vb.4). Macalister, vol. 3, §§ 246-253.
f. 79rb.4–f. 79vb.i
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Atbath Nemed do thám in Ailén arda Nemid in .h. Liathain’
Tract on the Nemedians after Nemed's death and their conflict with the Fomoire. Macalister, vol. 3, §§ 254-265.
f. 79vb.34–f. 79vb.i
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Comaimserad Nemid annso sis’Incipit: ‘Da fichet bliadan tra ⁊ dc. [...]’
Synchronisms for Nemed and the Nemedians. Beginning of Macalister §272 (announced after §265). Breaks off owing to the chasm between ff. 79 and 76A.
f. 80ra–f. 80ra
Tract on the taking of Ireland by the Túatha Dé Danann, continued from f. 76Av. Macalister, vol. 4, §§ 322 (incl. first lines of poem attr. to Cináed [úa hArtacáin]) and 326.
f. 80ra–f. 80vb.29
Tract on the Túatha Dé Danann, their genealogies and some of their characteristics. Macalister, vol. 4, §§ 335, 342, 334, 340-341, 337-339, 343-344, 352-354. According to Scowcroft (1987), § 354 properly belongs to the tract on the kings of the Túatha Dé.
f. 80vb.30–f. 81rb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Comaimser rig an domain fri Tuaith D. D. in so’Incipit: ‘Persa robatar in airdrige an domain in tan tancatar Tuath .D. inn Erinn ... Is iat sin in da .c. blia. acht na .iii.’
Synchronisms of the taking of Ireland by the Túatha Dé Danann. Macalister, vol. 2, §§ 373-376 (pp. 204-209).
f. 81rb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Goidil in hErind ⁊ Greic in ardrigi an domain isin aimsir sin’
A single sentence, beg. Goidil in hErind ⁊ Greic in ardrigi an domain isin aimsir sin, follows the previous tract. It is regarded as belonging (originally) to the genealogical tract on the Túatha Dé Danann (ff. 80ra-vb), which is here interrupted by the synchronisms. Macalister, vol. 4, § 355; Scowcroft (1987): 111.
f. 81rb.13–f. 81vb.1
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Gabail Goidel ⁊ a comaimserad in so’Incipit: ‘Goidil tra tucsam a n-imtechta o Iafeth mc. Nai ille ⁊ o Thur Nemruaidh’
First, preliminary tract on the taking of Ireland by the Gaels, relating the story of Íth. Macalister, vol. 5, §§ 378-379 (incl. itinerary), 381-382, 384. The title heading is used for the two tracts on the Gaels and the synchronisms which previously followed it before the leaf between ff. 82-83 was lost.
f. 81vb.1–f. 82vb.i
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘xl toisech doib Eber Donn m. Miled’
Second, main tract on the taking of Ireland by the Gaels. Macalister, vol. 5, §§ 385, 409-413, 418. Because of a lacuna in the manuscript, the text breaks off at the end of § 418.
Chasm (1 folio) between ff. 82-83.
f. 83ra.1–f. 83vb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘[Rogab Ethrel] mac Iriail Fatha rigi nErenn’
Acephalous. Catalogue of kings in succession (Réim rígraide). Macalister, vol. 5, §§ 502-505, 508-511. The prose of § 511 ends with the first lines of the poem beg. Etset as ecna aibind, which is headed Conid de asbeir an sai senchada indso.
f. 83vb–f. 84ra.14
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Heading/rubric: ‘Comaimserdacht rigraide Erenn fri rigraid an domain in so’
Interpolation. Macalister, vol. 5, § 511 (Comaimsirad..., pp. 224–226).
f. 84ra.15–f. 84rb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Oengus Olmucaid tra do rochair i cath Carman la nEnna Airgdech mac Echach Mumo’
Macalister, vol. 5, § 551bis (abstract of kings from Óengus Olmuccaid to Cimbáed)
f. 84rb–f. 84vb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Ceist, cid diata Emain Macha’
Story of Macha in the dinnshenchas of Emain Macha. Mentioned but left unedited by Macalister, vol. 5, § 551bis (‘interpolation’). Ends with first lines of poem beg. A Emain idnach aibind (cf. LL p. 81).
f. 84vb
[Lebor gabála Érenn, second redaction] (section)Incipit: ‘Iarsin scuirther flaithius Ulad do Temraig’
Macalister, vol. 5, § 551bis (continued), 554bis, 556bis, 557bis, 568bis, 571bis, 573bis (on Rudraige), 594bis (aithechthúatha). On f. 85ra (top), heading Do anmannaib mc hUgaine innises in duain si, followed by first lines of poem beg. Ugaine uallach amra (end of §554bis).
f. 90vb.14–f. 96v
[Lebor gabála Érenn, miniugud redaction] fragm.Heading/rubric: ‘Miniugad gabal nErenn ⁊ a senchas ⁊ a remmend rigraide innso sis [...] ut dicunt historici’Incipit: ‘Hybernia insola possita est in occidente sicut Adae Paradissus’
So-called Míniugud recension of Lebor gabála Érenn. Breaks off and continues, after loss of what Ó Cuív estimates to be one leaf, on f. 97. Old foliation: 21-27 (corresponding to ff. 90-96), 28 (missing), 29 (97).
Lacuna of one folio between ff. 96-97.
f. 97ra.1–f. 97va.13
Concludes with a king-list headed Rig hErenn iar creitim, listing kings from Loegaire to Ruaidri Ua Conchobair with their regnal years (ff. 97rba.19-37, 97rbb.19-37, and 97vaa.l-19), which is discussed by Scowcroft (1987): 132-133.
f. 97v
Note on Ireland's resemblance to Paradise, beginning Inis hErenn, tra, ro-suidigad isin fuined.
f. 97va.24
Incipit: ‘ISi an cet breth rucad ind Erind’
Triad on the first three judgments in Ireland