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High-king of Ireland from the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill.

Níall mac Echach Muigmedóin See: Níall Noígíallach

king of Ulaid, son of Eochada mac Ardgair
  • supp. fl. 4th/5th century
high-king of Ireland in early and medieval Irish tradition
  • fl. 18th century
Irish poet, daughter of the poet Aodh Buí Mac Cruitín. Her poems include one addressed to Isibéal Ní Bhriain.
  • s. xx–xxi
  • 1655–1727
English churchman and antiquary.

Nigra (Costantino) See: Costantino Nigra

  • supp. fl. 5th–6th century
  • Candida Casa
saint, missionary and reputed founder of Candida Casa (Whithorn, Galloway, Scotland).
Ninnid / Nindid mac Duach

Nisifortinus See: Anonymous [i²]

Patriarch in the Book of Genesis. When God unleashes the Flood on the world, he spares only Noah and his family, as well as pairs of every animal, that survive the waters of the deluge in the Ark.
Nóende son of Nóenull, etc.